Tuesday, January 18, 2011

 The Western Wall
 Scott on the Teaching Steps outside the Temple area.

I spent most of today at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, which now has the Muslim Dome of the Rock situated there. What a fascinating day it was! We went on to the Temple Mount, the location of the Dome of the Rock. We were not allowed to take a bible, pray, or hold a religious service, since it is in control of Muslims. The Dome of the Rock is situated atop of Mount Moriah, the place where Abraham nearly sacrificed his son Isaac, and the location of the Holy of Holies within the Jewish Temple.

After the Temple Mount we went down to the Western Wall, also known as the Wailing Wall. First ZI followed custom by washing my hands, to present myself as clean before the Lord, then put on the head covering, and went to the only part of the ancient Jewish Temple that is left standing, and prayed to the Lord. It was a sacred time and I felt grateful to God that I could be so near to the place that held so many sacred memories of God’s action in the world.

My favorite site of the day was the Teaching Steps, outside the southern part of the Temple Mount. It was here, on the Teaching Steps where boy Jesus was found by his parents listening to the Rabbi’s and asking them questions (everyone was amazed by his understanding) when Joseph and Mary thought that he was lost (Luke 2:41-52). It was also here that Jesus did his teaching when he was in Jerusalem the days before his arrest and crucifixion. I sat on the steps and imagined Jesus standing in front, telling parables and describing the Kingdom of Heaven.

Our day ended at the Davidson Center, a museum that has built a model ancient Jerusalem, using stone and sand. It was fascinating to see the city laid out before us and hear Lillian, our guide, explain each part of the city, including the location of Golgotha, where Jesus was crucified, and the tomb where he was buried. Tomorrow we will go to both of these places and end our time here with a communion service at site of the resurrection.


  1. Scott,

    It's been fun "following" you on your trip to Israel. I've been thinking about your comment that Jesus spent many days walking up and down hill, and imagining the desert landscape, and thinking that it gives new context to "every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain made low." I'm sure that would have sounded like good news in that terrain. Actually, I think all of Isaiah 40 becomes more visual.

    Speaking of Isaiah 40, did you get a chance to see the desert night sky in Israel? I think I'll have to take a trip to eastern Oregon this summer just to remember the stars.

    Have a safe trip home!


  2. What a great portrait of your trip! And I am sure life changing. I can't wait to hear more. Travel safe!
